Follow the Law!

Follow The Law

The Atomic Hound sells vests for working dogs (service, therapy dogs and other working dogs).

If your dog is shy, or aggressive, you may purchase a vest with the sole intent to use the vest to display patches notifying others of this. If your dog is NOT a working dog, you may NOT use the vest to pass them off as so.
Unfortunately, we are not realistically able to check that every single person purchasing a vest has a legitimate service or therapy dog.

We suggest that you understand the differences between service animals, therapy animals and emotional support animals.

We suggest that you understand and follow the law relating to service animals, therapy animals and emotional support animals.

Additionally, we do not support inappropriate and/or illegal use of service dogs, therapy dogs, and ESAs.

Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals

Service Dogs must meet 3 requirements: 

1. The person helped must have a life-limiting disability (ADA law).

2. The dog must be trained to recognize and respond to the handler’s disability by doing either work or tasks.

3. The dog must not cause a disruption in public. 

It is a federal crime to fake a service dog, online registries included.

Therapy Dogs are trained to provide affection, comfort and love to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas. 

Therapy dogs do not have legal public access.  

Emotional Support Animals (ESA) provides comfort, and comfort only. An ESA is prescribed by a medical professional who believes the comfort provided by an ESA will be beneficial for an individual experiencing challenging conditions. ESA’s are allowed to fly on an airplane or live in housing that might not otherwise allow pets, but are not allowed in public places where pets are not allowed. 

If a dog does not know tasks, and/or is not for a disabled handler the dog is not a service dog. 

ESA’s do not have legal public access.